Tuesday, 12 June 2012



Hope everyone has had a fun half-term and is excited to come back to school! Seeing how much the children have enjoyed studying the Tudors, creating some fantastic jousting lances, just thought we'd let you know that there is a jousting event at Cardiff Castle this weekend. We have a leaflet in class and there is also this link you can look at for more details:


See you tomorrow!

Friday, 1 June 2012

Summer Term Photos.

Year 4 Egg Rolling


Rainforest Instruments

We hope everyone has a fantasic half-term!

We've had another incredibly busy half-term in Year 4. We apologise for the late update, but hopefully you'll enjoy all the photos we post. The Egg Rolling photos from before Easter, which were thought to be lost, have also been found which we are delighted about.

We'd like to thank all the pupils for their hard work completing the NFERs and CAT tests. It's never easy completing these assessments, especially at such a young age, but the children made us all proud with their efforts.

A big thanks to all the parents for sending in such a quality amount of 'junk' to make our Rainforest musical instruments too. The children had a fabulous time making them and just as much fun creating music around the school yesterday! Have a great half-term everyone!