Sunday 24 February 2013

Eisteddfod Song

Here is the link for the Year 4 Eisteddfod song if you'd like to practise at home. Click on Y Boi Sy and it should load the track with the words for you. Enjoio:

Thursday 14 February 2013

St Lucia Island Homework- Half Term

Hi, hope everyone is enjoying their break! Just a quick reminder of the year 3/4 homework for half term. Both pieces to be handed in first Monday back, 18th February:

Week 5:
You have made some friends on the island and decide to have a party. Design some invitations, explaining the reason for the party and giving details about what will happen. Write a letter to local musicians to persuade them to provide the music.

Week 6:
The noise and smell of food at the party attract some unwanted visitors. Write a description of the party explaining the events and the results. Use plenty of detail to give a really vivid description.

Good luck and enjoy letting your imaginations run wild! We look forward to reading your work.