Sunday, 15 November 2009

Geography - Plantasia trip

Year 4 getting lost in the rainforest!

This term the children in Year 4 are using their geographical skills and studying the world's rainforests. This links on perfectly with our last half term topic of St Lucia. The children are really enjoying developing ther geography skills and are able to locate rainforests using maps and atlases throughout the world. We have generated geographical questions in class as part of our enquiry. Plenty of thinking skills have been used over the last few weeks!

As part of our studies, we decided to visit Plantasia in Swansea to experience first hand the conditions of a rainforest. We have been learning in school about how life is different for people in the rainforests and about issue of deforestation. We learnt plenty more about these areas on our trip today.

The children thoroughly enjoyed it and it gave them a real insight into the size and range of plants that would be found in a tropical rainforest. Just look at the size of the plants and their leaves.

The trip was also an important part of our work in Science.We have been comparing and contrasting different habitats.We have chosen to compare the rainforest with a local habitat.We were able to investigate the habitats and environment of the rainforest biome.They looked at artefacts from a rainforest, watched a video, then looked at and recorded some of the plants in their sketchbooks. We will use these as the basis of a painting next week.
They needed to use communication and thinking skills.